Features1. CPL filter: Reduces reflections on non-metallic surfaces; improves color saturation and enhances picture clarity; can be rotated to adjust the light to better control the shooting effect;
2. ND filter: Under strong light, it can effectively reduce the amount of light entering the lens; expand the aperture or extend the shutter speed to prevent overexposure; reduce the shutter speed to neutralize the exposure, making the video smoother and more natural;
3. Strong magnetic suction. It can be attached in seconds. The magnetic suction design allows it to be firmly absorbed with just one click. The filter can be replaced at any time.
Note: The lens tempered film will affect the magnetic effect, please remove the tempered film before use.
4. Internal and external coating for double protection. Prevent water droplets and stains from blocking the lens, making the picture purer and clearer.

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